With Reports, you can view and create reports about the WIFI usage in your location(s). You can view the trend line of WIFI usage, distribution of logion options, demographic data of your customers among other things.
1. Go to reports in the menu. Type your location name and choose the date range between 7 days, 14 days, 30 days or a bigger range clicking on the calendar option.
2. Click "show report" to see it online or click "download" to generate a downloadable PDF.
- Logins over time: a trend line of your daily WIFI usage and associated Login methods.
- Logins: Distribution of selected login options by your WIFI users in the selected timeframe.
- Specific Data: this info is useful to understand some metadata of your customers like gender, avg online time, % of mobile users, % of returning visitors, etc.
d. Demographic and device details: Understand the distribution of spoken languages and age to better understand who your customer is.
This data allows you to be better informed about who your customers are and how to approach them with other Marketing strategies.
In the lowest widget you can see how many login your location(s) have received in the set period.
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