For Listings to be able to keep your location data updated, a Facebook page should be created and connected to SO Connect for each location.
What you need to do next depends on the current state of each location’s Facebook page. But don’t worry, we put together an overview for you covering all options. We will guide you through the process step-by-step.
Please start with step 1 for any of the following cases:
- You wish to create and connect a new Facebook page?
- You wish to connect an existing Facebook company page managed by you?
- You wish to connect an existing Facebook unofficial (unmanaged) page?
- You wish to connect an existing Facebook company page managed by someone else?
Step-by-step guide to connect your Facebook Business Page
Step 1: Connect Go to the channels page of the respective location and click "Connect" on the right side of the Facebook row. |
Step 2: Start A pop-up window will open showing you the details of the location you are about to connect to SO Connect. If you wish to connect a Facebook page managed by someone else, please go to Step 5d. In all other cases, please click "Start".
Step 3: Sign in to Facebook Please log in to the relevant Facebook account using your email address and password if you aren’t already signed in with the correct Facebook account.
Step 4: Allow access In the next step, please grant SO Connect Connector access to the public profile and confirm by clicking "Continue as". Please confirm that you allow us to post publicly to the Facebook page in the name of the business. Click "OK". If you have previously granted access, this step will be skipped.
Step 5a: Create and connect a new page If there is no existing Facebook page, SO Connect creates a new page upon the first synchronisation of the location. Facebook needs to be connected to change and update location details. There are two options to continue: If you are going to take ownership of the page yourself, please continue with Step 5c. You may transfer ownership or add the business owner as administrator later on. If you would like to give the page ownership to the business right away, please send the link as explained in Step 5d. The location is connected once the business owner has completed the process.
Step 5b: Connect an existing company page that is managed by you Search the Facebook location you would like to connect in the list of available options. Select the location by clicking "Confirm". CONGRATS! You have successfully connected your Facebook page to SO Connect and we’re now able to update and optimise your page.
Step 5c: Connect an existing unofficial (unmanaged) page Search the Facebook location you would like to connect in the list of available options. Then, select the location by clicking "Claim". In the next step, you are asked to confirm that the Facebook location you are about to connect is your business. Please click "Confirm" to complete the process. CONGRATS! You have successfully claimed and connected your Facebook page to SO Connect and we’re now able to optimise the page. The unofficial page has been changed into an official Facebook company page and you are the administrator of this page.
Step 5d: Connect an existing company page that is managed by someone else If the Facebook page is owned or administered by someone else, please send them the link as displayed in the image. They can then sign in to the respective Facebook account using their email and password and confirm within a few clicks that the profile may be connected. As soon as the owner/administrator of the Facebook page has approved the account connection the process is completed and the page will be optimised.
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