The following channels are supported with Listings. Please bear in mind that some channels share their data with 3rd party companies in order to spread your data even further.
List of platforms:
- Google Maps
- Google Search
- Apple Maps
- Bing
- Foursquare*
- AirBnb
- Tencent
- Uber
- Waze
- TomTom*
- Renault
- Volkswagen
- Mapquest
- SsangYong
- Skoda
- Ferrari
- Microsoft Azure
- Mercedes
- Subaru
- Jeep
- Smart
- Peugeot
- Mazda
- Navmii
- Factual*
- Liveramp
- Oracle
- Oath (Yahoo)
- AppNexus
- Here*
- Alfa Romeo
- Alpine
- Audi
- Becker
- Chevrolet
- Chrysler
- Citroen
- DS
- Fiat
- Honda
- Hyundai
- Infiniti
- Jaguar
- Kia
- Lancia
- Land Rover
- Lexus
- MG
- Mini
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Nissan
- Opel
- Peugeot
- Pioneer
- Renault
- Seat
- Skoda
- Subaru
- Suzuki
- Toyota
- Vauxhall
- Volkswagen
- Volvo
*Please note that for Foursquare, Here, TomTom and Factual data will be share with 3th party companies. These four companies have partnerships with the companies listed in the sub category.
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