As a business you should know it's important to have some special offers, attractive stuff and different products that allows you to persuade guests to come into your business or return. It really helps driving repeat visits when you automatically communicate with your guest via the Messaging tool.
We'll give you some tricks & tips to create different offers and to schedule these campaigns via the Messaging tool.
First, please think of the type of promotion, tone of voice and type of campaigns that you wish to setup and suit your type of business.
- Would you be able to give a 2X1 in a cocktail?
- Would you be able to give a special price for a menú?
- Do you have a special breakfast combo?
- You might want to send a message 2 weeks prior to someones birthday?
- You even might want to send a message when you havent seen a guest in your venue for a while?
Once you have decided about the type of campaign, you can design a banner or an image with the offer.
1. Go to Messages in the main left menu > create a new message
2. Select: Special offer campaign
3. Fill all the basic info:
- Give the campaign a name, so you can find the campaign easily later on
- Select the venue, the account name (your location)
- Add the sender information and the e-mail subject
Here we recommend avoiding all types of exclamation signs, OFFER, SALE or other words that can be registered as spam and it will decrease the deliverability of the campaign.
4. Continue to 'Design message' and here use your creativity to design your special offer, you can select between 'Postcard', 'Newsletter' or HTML.
- Postcard is very simple design, just add a nice image with or without text.
- Newsletter will give you the chance to add other stuff and parts in the layout.
If you want to see how the message will look like? You can either send a test to your email (don't forget to add the preview location name) or preview it in your browser.
5. Continue to message recipients.
Here you can setup all the filters for the campaign. Do you want to send this to all your data base? or maybe just to the people that visited you the past month, only the guest that match the criteria will receive the message.
Some suggestions to take into account:
- Do you want this email to be only for English Speakers? or for all languages?
- Are you offering alcohol? would be clever to add the 18 years old filter...
Once you're done you can either save the campaign as a draft or save and activate it immediately.
Please take note that if you activate the campaign you will not be able to edit it afterwards.
Any question you have please send us a email to:
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